Attract new members through unrivalled offerings

Nandini Krishna Kuma, FCPA
Lecturer – Teaching 
and Leadership, 
Macquarie University,
Director of Education,
Macquarie Business School


Associate satisfaction 7.12/10

Score of employers who would recommend CPA Australia as a designation 7.46/10

New members 9332

Attract and develop the next generation of CPAs

Attracting new members is key to the sustainability of the organisation as older members retire and leave the profession. New member growth continues to mostly trend downwards as competition from local and global bodies increases and the changing higher education landscape leads to lower numbers of accounting graduates.

CPA Program and certification

The CPA Program is a comprehensive postgraduate education program designed to provide candidates with a thorough grounding in accountancy, finance and business knowledge. In addition to technical skills, it focuses on strategy, leadership, ethics and governance. It aims to develop agile and future-focused accounting professionals who are ready to meet the challenges of a changing business world.

Sustainable development goals